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css tutorials

The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) stylesheet language sets the way in which various HTML elements are displayed on the screen; without it, the entire web would lack color, style, and all the texts on all website pages in the world would be displayed using the ugly Times New Roman font.

So, CSS applies various styles to HTML elements, beautifying them. Even if you aren't a web designer, it pays off to learn CSS, because it will help you tweak your site's visual aspect by simply changing some numerical values. Here are the best places to learn CSS online.

1. W3 Schools -

This site includes a comprehensive tutorial that's perfect for beginners to programming. Go through all the lessons and you will learn everything there is to know about selectors, colors, backgrounds, borders, margins, padding, outlines, texts, fonts, icons, links, lists, tables, menus, images galleries, and so on. W3 Schools also includes an online editor, which allows you to test code samples and see how they will look on the web in real time – a huge plus, IMHO. That's, in fact, one of the key reasons why this site sits at the top of my list.

2. SoloLearn has a great CSS tutorial here:

Actually, they've got several Cascading Style Sheets tutorials, but this is a course that you should definitely try. It starts with the basics, and then it discusses element attributes, properties, positioning, layouts, various CSS techniques, gradients, backgrounds, transition effects and filters.

Don't forget to visit the "Code Playground" section of the site, which shows the most popular user projects, allowing you to see how real CSS-based stuff is being built. To give you an idea, you can find story books, text editors, games, calculators, and more.

3. MDN Web Docs -

Did you know that Mozilla offers lots of free tools and tutorials for people who want to learn web programming? The link above leads to their CSS course, which is pretty detailed. Truth be told, Mozilla recommends that you should learn HTML before diving into Cascading Style Sheets, but fortunately they've provided a link to their "Introduction to HTML" course as well.

Once that you've gotten the basics of HTML, you can follow the CSS course to become familiar with its essential building blocks, learn how to style texts, use various layouts, and so on.

4. If you want to learn HTML and CSS at the same time, this site has got you covered:

If focuses on the fundamentals, but Shay Howe is known for his great tutorials. Actually, Shay sells a CSS book that's got a great rating on Amazon, but he's provided a lot of free stuff on his site, including advanced HTML and CSS tutorials.

5. Did you know that YouTube can be a tremendous source of high-quality CSS tutorials as well? Simply go to the site, and then type in "CSS for beginners" in the search box. Actually, I already did that for you, so you'll only need to click this link:

Then, choose one of the tutorials that work great for you.

I hope that you liked this article. I've tried to include the best CSS resources I could find, but if you discover an even better site be sure to contact me, tell me about it, and I will gladly add it to this piece of content.